Couch Defender Keep Pets Off of Your Furniture! Review

Couch Defender Keep Pets Off of Your Furniture!

  • Couch defender is a humane solution to keep dogs off of your furniture
  • Couch defender can be conveniently stored underneath or behind your furniture
  • Sectional sofas can be protected using multiple couch defenders
  • Couch defenders are light as well as easy to open and close
  • Sectional sofas can be protected using multiple couch defenders


Couch defender is a 100% humane solution to keep your dog off of your furniture when you are not home. Unlike other products on the market, couch defender will not scare or cause your dog discomfort in any way. It simply takes up space. Instead of searching around your house collecting bar stools and other various objects, grab a couch defender and have your furniture protected in less than 5 seconds. Leave home with peace of mind knowing that your dog will now be poked, shocked or scared by the couch defender. When you come home, collapse the couch defender just as quickly as you put it on and enjoy your hair free sofa.

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